Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More Council Tax Fun and Games

South Glos Council are still at it. I've furnished them all the information I need to furnish as to why their statutory council tax is unlawful. Here's their reply........

"Thank you for your email of the 7th January 2012. Pleaseaccept my apologies for the delay in replying.

I am investigating your point with regards to your letter dated 14thMarch 2009 and will revert to you shortly.

In respect of the non-payment of Council Tax I can only state thatthis Authority deals with non-payment in line with current legislation. Thereis no consent required by you or anyone else and therefore the optionsavailable to the Council in the event of non payment include the means previouslymentioned.   

In the circumstances confirmation of your current correspondencedetails would help matters so that I may write to you indetail."

The last paragraph is the kicker though isn't it? They want my "correspondence details - aka my address! Now why would I want to help them with their "matters"?